1. First, you should have a detailed Doppler test in order to determine grade of the condition and the best treatment modality for you. Doppler ultrasound test should be a done by a radiologist who is experienced in varicose veins in order to make correct diagnosis and increase success rate of treatment. In our country, a large group of patients with varicose veins are condemned to unsuccessful treatments due to incorrect or deficient diagnosis. The optimal approach in treatment of varicose veins is that treatment and follow-up are supervised by the same physician. The treatment can be soundly managed only with this approach.
Recently, Interventional Radiologists are the only group of physicians who are specialized to do those three duties.
2. After diagnosis is made based on detailed Doppler test, your physician informs you about the best treatment options. You will be most probably recommended modern treatment method rather than conventional surgical treatment. Recently, conventional surgery is not preferred, excluding absolute indications, since it requires induction of general anesthesia, leads to clot formation in veins and nerve injuries in rates up to 5% and recurs approximately in half of patients and engagement with routine daily life activities needs time.
Among modern methods, Endovenous Laser Ablation is the most preferred method that has success rate of 93 to 100% in mid- and long-term outcomes, as reported in scientific articles. This method is further preferred, since side effects are scarce, you may immediately engage in daily activities, walk back home after the procedure and it is performed within a short time – 40 minutes- under local anesthesia with Doppler guidance. Furthermore, recurrence rate is lower than that of surgical treatment.
3. In the light of all those facts, if there is no contraindication (no contraindication is found in 90% of patients), an appointment is scheduled for treatment of varicose veins with Endovenous Laser Ablation and adjunctive ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, if required. If patients live abroad or outside of Istanbul, diagnosis and treatment can be completed on the same day.
In our Department of Interventional Radiology, our team experienced in varicose vein disease and anatomy, variations and physiology of veins as well as Doppler Ultrasound test will personally identify and mark veins with damaged valves. After diagnosis is made, personalized modern methods are used to treat all damaged vessels under local anesthesia with Doppler imaging guidance. We will help you to completely get rid of varicose veins by eliminating underlying cause with Endovenous Laser Ablation followed by ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy.
In our Department of Radiology, you will follow processes written below for treatment of varicose veins with Endovenous Laser Ablation.
- Our patients can call or personally visit Department of Interventional Radiology to schedule an appointment for Non-operative Treatment of Varicose Veins.
- Patients fill in a form to specify complaints and other active conditions on the appointment date. They can personally talk with our interventional radiologist to specific complaints and have a physical examination.
- Interventional Radiologist, who usually treats the condition on the same day, does “Color Doppler Ultrasound” test, which helps to identify damaged vessels that cause varicose formations. Those vessels are mapped before the procedure is performed.
- Patients are informed about treatment options in the light of Doppler Ultrasound findings and consent is obtained for treatment(s) planned.
- Treatment is usually scheduled on another day (if patient requires and specifies when appointment is scheduled or if patient needs to travel to Istanbul, ultrasound test and treatment can be completed on the same day).
- Depending on Doppler ultrasound findings and vein map, one or a combination of endovenous laser, foam or liquid sclerotherapy and percutaneous RF are applied. The treatment requires one or several sessions depending on the type and extent of the disease.
- Patients are asked to present for follow-up visit 2 days and 1 month after the treatment. In the follow-up visit, outcomes of treatment are reviewed. Complaints of patients are assessed and Color Doppler test is repeated to check whether leaking vessels are occluded or not. Doppler-guided treatment is applied, if extra treatments are required.